Category: Autoimmunity

Struggling with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? Turn to Functional Medicine for Answers

What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? The science behind it.The thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck, plays a vital role in producing hormones that regulate various body functions, including metabolism, energy levels, and temperature. In a healthy state, the immune system protects the body by identifying and attacking foreign invaders, such […]
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Empowering ALS Patients: Functional Medicine’s Promising Pathways

Approximately 5,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with ALS each year. ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, progressively robs individuals of their muscle control, affecting their ability to walk, talk, and even breathe. The impact on patients’ lives is profound and most search for a breakthrough that can offer relief and restoration. But […]
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