About Us
Our Philosophy
In today’s world there are so many choices that we have to make in our daily lives. Everyone sounds great on paper with similar credentials, promising the world; How can one make an informed choice? What is the common element that our successful choices possess? It is one thing and one thing only. It is that choice that makes us happy, confident and fulfills what we need. This is the quality that sets NY Medical Skin Solutions apart from others.
We combine state of the art technology and facilities in dermatology with an expert board certified dermatologist and a staff that possesses the long forgotten qualities of caring, health professionals who work collaboratively with you and the doctor to give the best possible care and results.
Why are we different?
We are accommodating to your needs, whether is a time constraint because of your busy schedule, or getting an emergency appointment immediately or whatever your situation demands. Because we treat you like family, for you are our “medical” family.
The Team
PH. (212) 867-1020
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Mon – Fri. 9am – 5pm
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